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Riley Owen, a bodyguard, is given the job of protecting Lady Anjali Cassley from a ghost. Even though the job seems ridiculous to him, he still takes it on.

Riley has to pay off his large debts and soon comes under the beautiful Anjali’s spell. She lives with her parents-in-law Duncan and Susan Cassley in their castle.

According to her Indian mother’s plans, Anjali is meant to marry John Jennings, her deceased husband’s best friend. To prevent this from taking place, the young woman stages the appearance of a ghost in Cassley Castle. The reason is that she is not quite over her husband’s death. Riley, who soon finds out about her secret, is able to relate to her grief and sorrow. For he is also a widower. That’s why they both decide to pretend as though the ghost is real.

However, when Riley finds out that Anjali secretly went to an audition for a Bollywood film, he is filled with doubts. He is also eaten up by jealousy, which is why he wants to put an end to the fake haunting and resigns.

But then there is a real attempt on Anjali’s life. Riley, who now believes she really is in danger, never leaves the young woman’s side. The two of them become closer and have a passionate affair, which, however, does not remain undiscovered. Riley loses his job and Anjali dejectedly accepts her fate

Riley keeps investigating on his own accord and discovers that the cause of Anjali’s husband’s death is still unclear. What role did his best friend John Jennings play in his death? Can Riley reveal his dark secret before his wedding with Anjali takes place?
