The ZDF Studios’ coproduction portfolio embraces virtually every conceivable genre of TV program. In its capacity as service provider for ZDF, ZDF Studios secures international coproduction partners for the implementation of innovative, large-scale projects with star casts, as well as recommending coproduction projects from the international market. We are always pleased to hear from broadcasters at home and abroad, producers and other media enterprises who may be interested in coproductions with ZDF or ZDF Studios.
Whether you are working on romantic TV movies, gripping fictional series, high-end documentaries of all types, top-quality children’s productions or richly varied music programs - the simple way to find the right partner for your project is by clicking the pull-down menu above.
Detailed descriptions of our major coproduction activities in the genres of fiction, documentaries and children’s programs are provided below. The Projects in Development section supplies information about coproduction subjects in the planning and development stages; at any time you can request further information on these projects from the relevant contact person.