Sylvia Carlier, a suburban housewife and mother of two adolescent teens, finds out her father has died and visits the town where she grew up to deal with his belongings. Her father left her a house on the infamous Highway of Love, a thoroughfare where a prostitution business is run. The house is run as a brothel – named the Cats – by her father’s friend Willy. Although Willy doesn’t want the house to be sold, Sylvia considers the offer she gets for the house from another pimp in the area, Alek. Afterwards, while Sylvia and her husband Daniel throw a party for their friends to celebrate their newly decorated house, Daniel is arrested for allegedly assaulting a female patient of his at his gynecology practice. Although Daniel claims the accusations are false, Sylvia flees with their children Sep (15) and Eva (17) to the brothel her father left her. They are surprised to learn about their grandfather, since Sylvia had always told them her parents died a long time ago. Sylvia decides to move into the apartment above the brothel, much to Daniel’s (and Eva’s) disgust. Meanwhile, a body is discovered during construction work in the main street, close to Sylvia’s brothel.