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On New Year’s Day, the “Dream Voyage” sets sail once more – this time, it’s off to Cuba. The guests on board can’t wait to embark on a fantastic journey full of fascinating sights and thrilling experiences.

Oskar, who’s had his own run-ins with astrology, poses an intriguing challenge for hobby astrologist Doris. But there’s a lot more to her skills than talent.

There’s Niels, who hopes to find his dream car – a 1958 Edsel – on Cuba. The trip is doubling as his bachelor party, and his groomsmen Sven and Maik want to make sure their “square” friend has an extra-special experience. During a rum tasting on the island, they put him in a life-threatening situation that just somehow manages to have its intended effect. Niels has the bachelor party of a lifetime, and even finds a real Cuban oldtimer in the process.

Meanwhile, Maria, a motherly permanent passenger, is teaching Paul, a lonely workaholic, some valuable lessons, namely that life is more than numbers and balance sheets. While travel-hungry Maria dances son cubano with the charming Ernesto, Paul begins to reconsider his life. Maria’s happiness is clouded, however, when she learns that her entire fortune has been lost, and this trip will be her last on board. But Paul has another idea.

And then there’s Nora, a spirited young woman who happens to meet her shy colleague Bernd on board the ship. At first, she’s derisive about his structured lifestyle and clockwork habits. But when Nora discovers a secret map, the two embark on a hunt for sunken treasure in Cuba.
