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The Dagger In The Cathedral Of Florence – The Medici Case (Episode 4)

The Medici are the most powerful family in Renaissance Florence. They dominate politics and the economy. The old-established Pazzi family wants to break the Medici influence and plans an assassination attempt on the two Medici brothers Giuliano and Lorenzo. During the Easter fair in 1478, Francesco de Pazzi and a group of men attack the unsuspecting brothers. Giuliano dies instantly due to wounds caused by the knife of Francesco de Pazzi.

The brutality of the deed can still be seen today in the bones of the victim. But Lorenzo manages to escape. The coup d'état in Florence fails. The perpetrators are soon caught and the search for those behind the conspiracy begins. Florence Kasumba, together with historians such as Marcello Simonetta, gathers clues from medicine, psychology and art history.
