Monika's new self-assurance does her a world of good. She even has the courage to introduce a rock 'n' roll course in the dance school, against her mother's will. The course is a total success, which brings many new enrolments with it. The "Galant" is now the only Berlin school that offers rock 'n' roll. Monika also runs into Joachim again and senses that he has changed. The evening of the dance-school ball becomes an evening of truth: Fritz Assmann quits his post at the Galant. Just as Caterina proudly announces Eva's engagement to Professor Fassbender, Rudi realizes that he has no future with Eva. Freddy and Monika interrupt the glamorous event with a wild but perfectly fashioned rock 'n' roll dance. Joachim cannot hide his jealousy towards Freddy, and a fight breaks out on the dance floor. Everything is now in Monika's hands.