The class starts at secondary school and Tara ends up in a new class. The old gang is split, and Tara must find her place in a new class hierarchy were Mina reigns supreme. Tara, who has always been one of the popular ones, is about to be labelled as uncool.
When a misunderstanding leads Mina to think Tara has a thing with Jonas, one of the cool 9th grade death-divers, everything turns. The misunderstanding gives Tara a status boost. She refrains from clearing up the misunderstanding and Mina’s respect for Tara grows. Tara is now safely positioned as one of the cool ones. Jonas also turns out to be nice and funny.
When Jonas makes a fool of himself and overnight has gone from being one of the coolest to someone everyone laughs at, Tara gets into a problem. Is she ready to have a boyfriend who’s been made a laughingstock for the whole school?
Should Tara be loyal to Jonas even if it means that she might lose her popularity? Is she willing to sacrifice the position she has worked so hard for, and risk being left out again?