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Nina (Daniela Preuß) and Pit (Daniel Wiemer) are actually on their way home when they get a message over the radio; there is a report of intruders in a fur store. Since they happen to be in the area, they quickly decide to investigate the situation themselves. This turns out to be a fateful decision - because as soon as they walk into the store, Pit finds himself staring into the barrel of a gun being pointed straight at him. Without hesitating for a second the young burglar, Mark Elbert (Adolphe Münstermann), fires at Pit, who collapses to the floor. But Elbert himself cries out in pain almost immediately, because Nina has reacted with lightning speed and shot him in the arm. Despite this, Elbert again aims his gun at Pit - leaving Nina no choice. She fires once again, this time killing the young man. As white as a sheet, Nina lowers her gun; this is the first time she has killed anybody. Susanne (Marita Marschall) does her best to comfort her young colleague, reassuring her that she had no alternative, while Thomas (Sven Martinek) does what he can for Pit, who also finds it hard to get over the incident. He has never before looked death straight in the eye. In contrast, Cem (Ercan Durmaz) is rather irritated by Nina's emotional response: in his eyes, using a gun is just part of the job they have all chosen to do. But Nina is tormented by the question of why Elbert insisted on firing a second time when he could see that she would shoot him. When Pit is able to consider the matter calmly he also finds this extremely curious. Plagued by feelings of guilt, Nina now goes to see Mark's parents. Her intention is to apologise, but Mark's mother (Kirsten Block) launches herself at Nina in a fit of desperate grief. Meanwhile, Cem has examined the gun Mark was using and establishes that 18 months ago a man was killed with the same weapon. Did Mark have something to do with that murder - or was it perhaps his brother Lars (Antonio Wannek), who hardly seems an innocent figure in all this? Now a detailed study of microscopic fibers brings an astonishing fact to light…
