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Lottery tycoon Markus Huber is found struck dead in his villa. Inspector Hansen talks to Sybille Hubner. She can’t give any explanation as to who may have killed her husband. All the evidence points to a murder-robbery, as some valuable watches and gold bars have been stolen from the victim. Was part-time gardener Klaus Berger involved in the murder? When two watches are found at a jeweler’s, his wife Sybille becomes the focus of the investigation. She felt her husband kept her on a short financial leash. As a result, she sold watches from his valuable collection one by one. Did they have an argument that turned fatal? When Hansen and Stadler find out that Klaus Berger, the gardener, spent some time in prison for fraud, they begin to pressure him. Professor Udo Wilhelm also awakens suspicions. Mr. Huber’s neighbor had an ongoing spat with Huber. After Wilhelm lost a court case to Huber, Stadler and Hansen believe he struck back. In the end it’s a lottery number that leads to the culprit. At the police station controller Andi Lorenz has an intern, Franziska Kreuzpointner, assigned to him. She is the niece of Hermann Kreuzpointner, an important donor to the music academy.
