When Chief Inspector Hannes Schulte, a dyed-in-the-wool big-city dude from Berlin Wedding, is transferred for disciplinary reasons to the placid East-Holstein hamlet of Altenkrempe, he expects the worst: sleepy-headed colleagues, backwoods investigative methods, squabbles about garden fences… Not surprisingly, Jette Jessen, Catrin Christiansen and Jost Reedmacher, Schulte's new colleagues, also can't figure out Schulte's ways. The new colleagues are professional and "cool" in their own way. They're authentic, and the cases they have to solve together are anything but unimportant. Murder and assault also take place in beautiful East Holstein. Ultimately, the older colleagues convince the Berliner of their criminalistic skills with their astuteness and North-German charm. This could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.