Every continent has its share of ruins. Places where crumbling stones tell the stories of fallen civilisations, whether they are buried under the earth, hidden in the shade of the jungle, or in the chaos of a lost city. They all raise the same questions – how could something so gigantic simply vanish, and why do civilisations collapse?
This new six-part season of Ancient Apocalypse provides insights into the downfall of some of history’s greatest empires. From the Mexican Aztecs, who succumbed to European invaders and the contagious diseases that accompanied them, to the ancient Minoans of Crete, who were fatally weakened by a volcanic eruption.
We take note of the warnings of history, as we explore the stories of the Vikings of Greenland, hit by a triple onslaught of plague, climate change, and the loss of the ivory trade; and the Moche of Peru, whose god-like rulers were undermined by unprecedented weather events.