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Like the Rock of Gibraltar, Conny stands firm as chaos swirls around her. With irony and razor-sharp one-liners, "The Godmother" tells the story of a patchwork family 2.0, the story of Conny, who elbows her way through vitriol-spewing helicopter mothers and elite wannabe parents. Only when it comes to love do her knees turn into jello… Conny is getting divorced. She’s managed quite well as a single mom so far, despite occasional minor meltdowns. But she’s learned a new and useful word: "NO!" Her soon-to-be-ex-husband Lorenz can’t believe it when Conny tells him where he can go with his special wishes and demands. Conny has lost her heart to Anton, who also loves Conny, but this union has major opponents. Like Anton’s daughter Emily, who hates Conny. And Anton’s arrogant mother Polly. But Conny wouldn’t be Conny if she didn’t find the words to put these two in their place.
