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Stefan gets suspended from his work as his trainee Sylvia accused him of sexual harassment. His team stands behind him and believes in his innocence. Everybody is startled that Sylvia still comes to work and all attempts to talk to her fail. The team plans to find enough evidence for Stefan’s innocence. Despite his problems, Stefan is trying to help Petra Gebauer who has issues with Franz Berghammer, the owner of the saw mill in town. She cannot accept the price cuts any longer and Stefan suggests selling the wood to companies in South Tyrol. Petra realizes that her work issues interfere with her relationship to Daniel. Would hiring a manager with a sound knowledge of wood solve her problems? Maria Grandl is on cloud nine. She is extremely happy with Harald Königstein, only her son Konstantin objects him and doesn’t trust him at all. Harald convinces Maria to build a wellness hotel on her premises. However, the money she gives him in order to start with the project goes directly to Harald’s former business partner Nikolai, the horse trader.
