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Logistics manager Gerd Haubrich was shot. He secretly gave inside information to customs about a million Euro deal with fake watches. A stolen car at the crime scene leads to the arrest of 21-year-old Dennis Weck. His mother Paola is defending her son vigorously. After intensive interrogation Dennis offers the investigators a deal. He admits that he stole the car and is willing to give information about the murderer he saw committing the crime, in return he is asking for a mild punishment. Bernd Reuther is open for the deal; however, inspectors Thomas Reuther and Kerstin Klar are skeptical. The old competition between father and son comes up again.

Public prosecutor Bernd Reuther gets his way and Dennis identifies Ernst Verstaad from the Netherlands as the assassin, an unblemished operator of a food stall near the main train station in Wiesbaden. When Thomas can prove that Verstaad also owns a big mansion in Mexico, Verstaad’s defense gets weaker. Yet, his backers aren’t caught yet. Dennis Weck is now a protected witness and brought to safety to a cottage but then the haunters get a hint.
