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Ukrainian au-pair girl Julia Vasilenko is found dead in a cemetery; she has been beaten to death with a blunt instrument. Initial enquiries lead the detectives from SOKO Munich to Ellen (Silvia Seidel) and Stefan Albrecht (Jörg Witte); the girl was working for the Albrechts, and they appear to have had a troubled relationship with her. A close friend of Julia's, Sofia Ivancuk (Olga Kolb), certainly believes she was killed because she knew something incriminating about the Albrechts. But perhaps Sofia is only trying to distract attention from herself, because it soon emerges that she was the cause of an argument Julia had earlier on the day that she was killed with her boyfriend Leo (Gabriel Marrer). Can Ida (Heidelinde Weis) and Hans Brendel (Thomas Fritsch), an old couple Julia used to look after on her days off, help untangle this most confusing case?