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Laura comes back to Finland after spending over a month in China on a business trip. She has treated her homesickness with a casual relationship with a man, and she’s ready for more of the same kinds of relationships. The world seems favorable; a very interesting man is seated next to Laura on the flight back. At home a surprise awaits her. Oona has gotten a steady job in Helsinki and has moved in with Kalle. The living room walls are a new color—a color Laura doesn’t like. Angry, Laura goes to her side where she finds Viivi tipsy, drinking cider and doing her makeup. Laura is angry, and Viivi tells that she doesn’t want to be in her mother’s company if the only thing she does is yell when they haven’t seen each other in over a month. Viivi is about to start seventh grade and a new life along with it; starting a vlog is part of it. Viivi needs a new phone in order to take photos and videos for her vlog; Laura feels guilty and fulfills Viivi’s wish. Alvari has gotten dreadlocks, and Laura doesn’t recognize him right away when she sees him from behind. That gives Kalle a reason to tease Laura about being an absent mother. Alvari has experienced a political awakening and constantly lectures his parents on social issues. Laura and Kalle argue about the responsibilities of a parent. Oona tries to be nice and diplomatic. To celebrate the last day of the summer vacation, Kalle and Oona take the kids out to eat. They announce that they are engaged. The children don’t have much of a reaction. In the evening Laura has to have dinner with an American architecture agent named Michael Rank; it’s a work dinner. The man is a very important contact professionally and handsome as heck, but also arrogant and sexist. Rank harshly criticizes the joined home concept designed by Laura, and Laura storms out. The next day at work she finds out Michael Rank is interested in the joined homes, but he’s also got his eye on Laura.

Reija has her hands full with her phone translation service, her one-year-old son Reino and Sini-Marja’s son Luukas; Antti is the father of both. As if Reija doesn’t have enough financial trouble, she hears about layoffs at Antti’s work.
