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Detective Inspector Erichsen and his colleague Kruse are called out one cold winter’s night to the scene of a spectacular car crash. In the ditch by the roadside is a brand new sports car. The other vehicle involved in the accident is a 20-year-old compact car. Emma Graf, a single mother and nurse, stands grumpily by her trashed car. Jacky Herbst, the owner of the sports car, is a successful entertainer and comedian, a pseudo-feminist macho, whose message is that men are in crisis. With the help of his shady manager Leo Strootmann and in particular of his passenger, Holm Brülls, who takes the blame by claiming to have been the driver, Jacky manages to get away from the scene of the crash. But before doing so, he “drops a bomb”, saying they were shot at. He saw a sniper on the bridge above them. An over-the-top joke by the crazy comedian? Certainly not! A few hours later Holm Brülls is dead. Shot in the restroom at the theater. Who’s got it in for the comedians, and why? The investigation reveals that the case is linked to the alleged rape and the attempted suicide of the comatose Carlotta, who happens to be in Emma Graf’s ward. Detective Inspector Lisa Brenner gets stuck into the old case.
