Jana is in the city on an important ‘mission’ for Imara, the new head of security at Segolia. It actually involves tracking down Imara’s wayward son TJ who is late home from school. Jana catches up with TJ in new Kafe – run by Katrina. Katrina is in denial that Kay is moving out of the flat above the Kafe. On the way home Jana and TJ spot two Wolfbloods in wolf form being chased. The wolfbloods are caught and taken to the zoo. They are young brother and sister Matei and Emilia Covaci whose parents were killed in a mysterious house fire several months previously and are now living with foster parents. Both Covacis don’t trust anyone but when TJ and Jana break them out of the zoo a new tenuous bond is created. The following morning, a news report about wild wolves running through the streets has got them all firmly in Imara’s bad books. Jana ignores Imara’s instruction to ‘stay away from those kids’ when she is persuaded by Matei and Emilia to use Ansion. Jana discovers that their parents’ death might not have been an accident and agrees tohelp them find out what really happened.