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Germany's Wild North

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Far from the well-known beaches of the Wadden and Baltic Seas lie the hidden treasures of Germany’s northernmost state, Schleswig-Holstein. Turning inland towards the agricultural heartland, we discover the natural landscapes, lakes, woodlands, and estates that are home to incredible biodiversity. 

From the dramatic silhouettes of red deer stags who gather in the morning mist to battle each other in their quest to win a mate, to their smaller cousins, the fallow deer, whose fawns leap through the woodlands in spring. 

In the skies, we spot rare short-eared owls, as they chase predators to protect their young, and watch astounding murmurations of thousands of starlings, that rise and fall in breathtaking displays each spring and autumn. 

Filmmaker Uwe Anders spent two years capturing the wonderful wildlife and biodiversity that lurks between farmland, motorways, and towns and cities.

