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A young man gets run over by a car and dies at the scene. There is no sign of the driver. Inspector Schumann is alarmed when he hears the name Friedland.

The dead boy is Florian Friedland and he had been released from prison only hours earlier. His father Kurt was once a bigtime drug boss in Berlin. He had tagged Florian as his heir. Someone may have wanted to stop that at all costs.

Kurt Friedland built a small empire and owns several apartment buildings in Berlin. He lives with his wife Irina and his younger son Max in a noble penthouse apartment. His delicatessen is on the same street and it is where Friedland does his “business.” Friedland is highly respected in the neighborhood. Neighbors lay flowers and light candles at the scene of the accident. Florian was run over right in front of his father’s shop.

Neither Schumann nor Friedland think it was an accident. Florian’s death was a warning to his father and Schumann knows he has to stay a step ahead of Friedland to stop him from exercising his own brand of “street justice.”

Schumann’s team finds out that there have been repeated acts of vandalism in the area. Someone wants to intimidate Friedland into selling his buildings. But Friedland is defending himself and a territorial war has broken out. Before Schumann can take action a witness is shot at. Schumann now realizes Friedland is sure he knows who killed his son.

But Schumann begins to doubt whether Florian was still the son Friedland wanted to see him as after his time in prison. Did Florian want out of his father’s line of business? Schumann has a terrible suspicion.
