Studio.TV.Film GmbH

Studio.TV.Film GmbH, founded in Heidelberg in 1969 and also located in Berlin since 1980, has acquired over the decades a reputation as a quality-oriented, multifaceted and creative production company. In particular, it has made a name for itself with children's programs. In 2008 the production company expanded its business fields. Since then, scripted dramas and non-fiction formats are also being produced under one roof next to children's programs.

The main focus in the production of children's programs is to communicate in an entertaining manner contents such as those featured in, for example, "Dandelion," a classic that has been in production for 35 years now and has received many awards, as well as in the poetic and humorous series "Siebenstein" which has been successfully produced since 1988. Both series number among the most important brands in ZDF's portfolio of children's programs. "Beutelomäus," the Christmas brand of KI.KA, has become a sensational hit thanks to a series that's been produced by Studio.TV.Film since 2005, and a TV movie. The pre-school program KiKANiNCHEN is an innovative new format premiered in 2009, which represents a top-quality combination of CGI production, live-action shooting and animation. And since 2013, another new format "Löwenzähnchen," aimed at inquisitive preschool children, is being produced for ZDF.

For MDR/ARD, Studio.TV.Film has produced three high-caliber and much acclaimed fairy tales. And for DEGETO, it has produced a 90-minute TV movie for the Friday evening slot.

In 2010, Studio.TV.Film realized the movie "The Hunt for Hannibal's Treasure (Löwenzahn - Das Kinoabenteuer" (directed by Peter Timm) which has been a co-production with ZDF for the big screen and which has been aired in the cinema in 2011. The movie "Age of Cannibals" has been produced in 2013. The film, directed by Johannes Naber, has been selected by WDR, ARTE and BR for the "Perspektive Deutsches Kino" at the Berlinale 2014. More sophisticated film and television projects are in the development pipeline.

Studio.TV.Film has been presenting classical music in a Berlin club since 2009 in the "ARTE Lounge," and documentaries such as "Sergiu Celibidache – Firebrand and Philosopher“ (ZDF/3sat), "Richard Strauss and his Heroines" (SRF) and the four-part series "Bewegte Republik Deutschland" (ZDF/3sat) are representative of the non-fiction segment.

Co-shareholder is EIKON Media GmbH.

Studio.TV.Film GmbH
Bergmannstr. 102
10961 Berlin

tel. +49 (0) 30-616285-0
fax +49 (0) 30-616285-20

