Sanne and Tara are best friends who have known each other since kindergarten.
Sanne is a vulnerable and insecure girl with a penchant for obsessions and deeds. In a class of social rivalry, Sanne knows that she cannot afford to lose Tara as her best friend. Sanne is terrified of being ostracized as "the weird one".
Tara is madly in love with Daniel. Although Sanne fears being sidelined if Tara gets a boyfriend, Sanne offers to ask Daniel for Tara, and they stay together.
But things do not go as Sanne had expected, because Daniel and Sanne gradually become more and more infatuated with each other. Although Sanne tries to resist the growing crush, she can't resist his flirting. She gets her first kiss from Daniel. Tara eventually learns about this and breaks off her friendship with Sanne. Sanne is left alone, burdened with guilt and shame and ostracized by the girls in the class. Her obsessions and actions escalate and eventually cause her to have trouble functioning normally in everyday life.