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Mie D’haeze finds herself locked up in a psychiatric hospital without the slightest clue of how she got there. She suffers from severe anterograde amnesia after being in a car accident. Mie receives a visit from detective Wolkers who confronts her with the disappearance of Thomas Spectre . The detective claims that she is the last person to be seen with Spectre but Mie has no recollections of the man what so ever.

Hospital visits of her family slowly begin to kick-start Mie’s ravaged memory.  She’s taken back to last autumn when she moved to her grandparents’ house in the forest. When her daughter Romy accidentally breaks the sun mirror of her superstitious late grandfather, Mie starts to notice strange happenings in the house. The more Mie remembers those early autumn days, the more she begins to doubt whether or not she has ever met the vanished Spectre.     
